miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

My Lousy Council & Me

Sadly, I have to admit it, I have an unbearable feeling of disgust everytime I'm offered the possibility to attend one of those city celebrations organised by my city Council that take place every single year. They are held at the end of summer (because at the end of summer, most people are back from their holidays and still in the mood for fun outdoors, and these parties have to be really crowded). The main attraction is the music delivered by cheap bands, the healthy-or-unhealthy-but-expensive- in-both-cases food that is served; the stalls of linen clothes that you might buy but you'll certainly never wear and-yes- the people.
Oh, yeah, lots of people: young-middle-middle-class-we're-here-'cause-we-can't-afford-to-be-somewhere-nicer-and-this-is-free-and-we'll-pretend-this-is-Central-bloody-Park families, with their running-about-and-screaming-at-the-top-of-their-voices-'cause-their-parents-can't-keep-them-under-control kids. Not to mention the I-can't-play-drums-but-I'll-bang-on-them-anyway-'cause-I-can't-be-bothered-to-learn-to-play-properly-or-buy-a-lead-for-my-dog-either-for-that-matter new hippies.
If I went, I'd have one of those I-am-too-aware-of-my-insatisfaction-to-enjoy-myself -so-I-wish-I-hadn't-come-now-I'm-dead-pissed-off-next-time-I-really-will-say-no feelings.
So I think I'll just pass (and blame it on the Council).

7 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

What kind of parents?

Oh, my requete-God!

Spc. dijo...
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Spc. dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Spc. dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
mo dijo...

My dear Robert, I'm talking about requete-Godless parents, also known as bad parents. ;-)

mo dijo...

scp, you're damm right!Love watching cormorants go to the toilet, but... how did you know?

Spc. dijo...

My advice is clear and simple: Don't even think of going to one of those other parties overflowing with the kind of mushroom-faced-cameltoe-collector eggheads who would bother you with their I-practice-fuckin'-Taoism-and-I-can-fuckin'-make-love-to-a-lovely-chick-like-you-for-sixteen-fuckin'-hours endless speech. Then you would certainly miss your what-the-hell-am-I-doing-smelling-this-flooded-with-ketchup-and-mustard-stinky-plastic-concert-hot-dog-when-I’d-be-better-off-anywhere-else-for instance-at-St-Kilda-watching-cormorants-pee-and-shit Council events.